Vintage wood & forged Iron
Logo Design
Creating a logo mark that conveys the craftsmanship behind bringing high-quality, reclaimed materials back to life.
Vintage Wood and Forged Iron (VWFI) offers high-quality vintage wood products and forged iron accessories to help their clients create bespoke spaces. All of their materials are reclaimed and restored to be used creatively as wall and ceiling planking, flooring, or adornment.
The Challenge
Vintage Wood and Forged Iron’s old logo felt like it emphasized the wrong pieces of their identity and didn’t speak enough to the reclaimed woodwork they’re renowned for. It was also difficult to use across different marketing materials and applications.
Our Strategy
Our team provided three different creative concepts to help VWFI choose a new logo that would best represent who they are and the core of what they do. After picking a concept, our team then worked with VWFI to hone in on the details and other branding elements to support the new logo and make it easy to use.
The Results
Ultimately, the new logo VWFI went with was bold, simple, and clear — representing the core of who they are and what they do. Their new mark has a strength to it that translates well across cards, shirts, the website, social media accounts, and any other marketing materials.

“Setting out to rebrand can be a scary endeavor. Sometimes you can be unsure you’re making the right decision. What if you don’t like any of the new options better than the current one? Tower’s team really set the standard for how to listen to our wants and needs, and then apply them in their own way to bring our new branding together. We are thrilled with our new logo and colorway. We wanted it to represent warmth and trust to potential clients, and we felt it immediately. Every time our new branding gets updated on a brochure or a t-shirt, we can’t wait to show it off!”
Evan Urban, General Manager, Vintage Wood & Forged Iron