Choosing a platform for your website is difficult — especially if you’re not sure what factors should be considered. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. Continue reading to see what it looks like to compare Shopify vs WordPress for your business’s website.

WordPress Features At A Glance

Before we dive into the details of Shopify vs WordPress, it’s helpful to familiarize yourself with the basic WordPress features and functions. As an open-source platform, WordPress makes creating, customizing, and managing content easy. It does this by offering various internet marketing tools and resources including, but not limited to:

Shopify Features At A Glance

An online platform designed for selling products, Shopify has become increasingly popular for building and managing eCommerce websites. Similarly to WordPress, you can find an assortment of Shopify features to support your business and create an accessible online storefront for users. Some of these features include:

  • Basic SEO and blogging functionality
  • Easy-to-use online store editors
  • Built-in functions for handling eCommerce needs
  • Customizable templates and themes

Shopify vs WordPress: Which Is Better?

Ease Of Everyday Use: WordPress

When comparing Shopify vs WordPress, the first thing to consider is the ease of use. In some cases, WordPress user experience depends on your background knowledge of web design and coding.

It may take more time to learn the ins and outs of WordPress, but once you do, you’ll find it’s easy to use and provides opportunities for you to improve your website’s design, search visibility, and overall performance.

Ease of Everyday Use: Shopify

The Shopify interface is simple and clean, making it easy to use whether you have web design experience or not. Its comprehensive guides provide you with the tools and direction you need to create and launch your site quickly and effortlessly.

Winner: Both*

Since both platforms provide user-friendly features and tools, it’s hard to choose a clear winner.

It may take beginners a bit longer to learn the ins and outs of WordPress, but once you familiarize yourself, it’s straightforward and allows you to do more with your site. Shopify is ideal for beginners because of its setup guide, and you don’t need any background knowledge in coding or web design.

Customization: WordPress

When comparing Shopify vs. WordPress, a key element is each platform’s ability to adapt to your needs. As we mentioned in the section above, WordPress is highly customizable.

With countless WordPress themes and plugins available, you can customize even the smallest details of your website. This makes it an ideal choice if you want more control over its look and functionality.

Customization: Shopify

For beginners who are building a site for the first time and prioritize scalability over customization, Shopify may be the right choice for you because of its user-friendly tools and ready-to-use templates for eCommerce businesses of all sizes.

While it doesn’t have as many design options available as WordPress, Shopify still provides an assortment of themes, layouts, and editing features that will ensure your site looks professional and runs smoothly on any device.

Marketing specialist designing a new website on laptop.

Winner For Customization: WordPress

Pricing: WordPress

Pricing is another crucial factor to consider when comparing Shopify vs WordPress. Your budget and business goals will have an impact on your site’s design and functionality. At first glance, WordPress is the more cost-effective option because it’s free to use. The pricing comes into play once you decide what your needs are and which WordPress features you’ll want to use to help you meet them.

Pricing: Shopify

You cannot use Shopify without signing up for a subscription. However, Shopify’s pricing plans vary depending on your website’s needs. The basic plan starts at $29 per month on a month-to-month subscription.

Winner For Pricing: WordPress

SEO And Internet Marketing: WordPress

From technical SEO to on-page optimization, the vast WordPress plugin ecosystem offers plugins like Yoast SEO and Rank Math, which give you more control over SEO and help you improve your site’s visibility in search results.

WordPress internet marketing tools also make it an ideal choice for businesses that want to adopt more content-driven marketing strategies. With advanced blogging capabilities and extensive formatting options, you can craft blog posts, product descriptions, and other content.

SEO And Internet Marketing: Shopify

While Shopify’s internet marketing capabilities aren’t as advanced as WordPress, they still provide basic SEO and blogging services to help you optimize your website. Shopify also specializes in eCommerce, so its focus is to provide everything you need to start and manage an online store or eCommerce shop.

Winner For SEO and Internet Marketing: WordPress

Two internet marketing specialists working on a website.

Security And Site Maintenance: WordPress

Proper WordPress security and site maintenance help you protect your site from being hacked. While some WordPress site maintenance needs can be handled automatically, you need to stay on top of software and plugin updates to ensure your site isn’t vulnerable. Since you are responsible for your hosting provider, most of the responsibilities will fall on you.

Security And Site Maintenance: Shopify

Unlike WordPress, when you use Shopify, they are responsible for ensuring your site doesn’t contain serious security vulnerabilities. From software updates to server configuration, Shopify site maintenance takes care of all the technical details that go into running a website.

Winner For Security: Both*

WordPress and Shopify both provide users with the tools they need to keep their sites secure and up-to-date. When it comes down to it, choosing the best platform for security and site maintenance is about personal preference.

If you want more control over your site and responsibility for maintenance and security, WordPress is the best choice. However, if you’re new to running a website and would rather take a backseat to the technical details security, and maintenance required, Shopify may be a better fit.

Who Wins The Fight Of Shopify vs WordPress?

When it comes down to choosing between Shopify vs WordPress, the answer is clear. While Shopify may be the easy choice for beginners, we recommend using a platform that allows you and your site to grow.

WordPress offers the opportunity to create a website that’s uniquely yours. By leveraging the advanced WordPress features, you can ensure your brand’s name is not only being seen by your target audience, but when they visit your site, they have a positive experience.

Don’t settle for a site that blends in when you can build a site that stands out — let us help you navigate the complexities of WordPress. Talk to one of our developers to see what we’re capable of today.

Planning a website redesign and launch can be overwhelming, especially if you haven’t had the experience of planning one in the past. In this blog, we’ll provide a website launch checklist you can use to get a better understanding of what the journey ahead will look like.

How Long Does A Website Redesign Take?

Every website redesign project is unique and involves many moving parts from start to finish. There’s no telling what obstacles or unforeseen circumstances will emerge during the process. However, typically a website launch timeline will consist of 6 main stages:

  • Planning and discovery (2-10 weeks)
  • Content and SEO (5-15 weeks)
  • UI/UX design (4-12 weeks)
  • Developing and coding (6-15 weeks)
  • Testing and review (2-7 weeks)
  • Official launch (1 day-3 weeks)

Remember, the timing of these stages will vary depending on your goals for the project and the scale of work required to reach them. Another component that will influence your website launch timeline is the number of stakeholders involved in the redesign process. For example, if every service team’s lead needs to review each piece of the project, it will take longer to finalize.

Pre-Website Launch Checklist

A lot of hard work goes into a website before it can be pushed live, and it can’t all be completed by one person. A successful website launch depends on the work of skilled individuals who all have a different role to play.

In the following sections, we’ll break down some of the main steps and roles that should be included in your pre-website launch checklist.

Web development stage of a website redesign project.

Website Relaunch Developers & Web Designers Checklist

The first part of a website relaunch checklist is dedicated to developers and web designers. These individuals will work to ensure the site functions smoothly on the back end as well as the front.

1. Check site speed.

Not only does a faster page load speed provide users with a better experience, but it also is an important Google ranking factor. Faster loading times mean higher rankings for your site in search engine result pages. Therefore, it’s important to check your site’s speed before launching to make sure it’s loading at a quick rate.

2. Create a custom 404 page.

404 error warnings are shown when a server can’t find what was requested by the user. This could be from typing the wrong URL into the search bar or clicking on a dead link. Setting up custom 404 pages for your site ensures visitors are made aware of the error, but don’t have to see the generic warning message.

3. Check your site’s compatibility on different devices and web browsers.

Before launching your site, take the time to see what each page looks like on different devices and when searched in different browsers. Doing this will help you identify and fix areas that could negatively impact user experience like text and buttons being too small or content falling off the page.

4. Validate code and CSS.

Validating code and CSS ensures each page on your site looks and functions the way it should. Before launching, developers can check for things like syntax errors, typos, missing tags, and other issues to confirm the site is compatible with all browsers, accessible for all devices, and complies with web standards.

5. Check that your site serves HTTPS.

Hypertext transfer protocol secure (or HTTPS), is used to keep information sent from a device to a website private. Once it’s set up visitors will know their sensitive information like IP addresses or credit card numbers won’t be accessed by unauthorized individuals.

6. Ensure your site complies with privacy laws.

It’s no secret that visitors are more likely to trust your site when they know you follow privacy laws. There are different privacy laws around the world such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

7. Review third-party tools and integrations.

Before launching, review all your third-party tools and remove any integrations that aren’t necessary or fix any that aren’t working properly. Doing this will improve UX, boost site speed, and lead to better search engine rankings.

SEO specialist checking Google Analytics.

Website Relaunch SEO Checklist

Next in our website launch checklist, we’ll introduce SEO specialists. These individuals work to keep your site relevant and showing up in search results for users to see.

1. Check for possible indexation and crawling issues.

Search engines collect data by crawling your site and then store it through a process called indexing. This affects what results appear when a user searches for something online. SEO specialists can identify indexing issues and manage crawler traffic before a site is launched, making it easier for search engines to identify and display your content.

2. Make sure URLs & redirects are search engine friendly.

We talked about 404 errors earlier, and one of the ways these can occur is if a link is broken. Before launching, all old site pages should be redirected to the new ones. Creating permanent redirects (known as 301s) will automatically send users to the new pages if they accidentally visit the old URL.

3. Install Google Analytics.

Analytics software, like Google Analytics, allows you to retrieve valuable insight into what your users are doing on your site. It’s important to set up analytic tools before your site goes live because you’ll want to begin gathering data from the moment you launch. If your old site had analytics set up, verify that they are still working properly with the new site.

4. Use keyword mapping.

Keywords will play an essential role in the performance of your site. Keyword mapping is an SEO strategy that helps assign target keywords to specific pages on your site. With the help of an SEO specialist, these keywords can assist in performing goals, driving traffic, and improving search rankings.

5. Optimize meta tags, titles, descriptions, and content.

As we mentioned above, your site needs keywords to gain visibility. Optimizing meta tags, titles, descriptions, and site content will help search engines index your page efficiently. Each page on your site should have a unique title and description in addition to the keywords SEO specialists provide.

6. Use schema to mark up content.

Schema is what tells search engines what your data means and helps represent it in a more user-friendly way. Using special microdata language, SEO specialists can tell search engines more about the content on your site and control how it appears in search results.

7. Check UX.

User experience (UX) is how a visitor interacts with your site. Having a good UX depends on a variety of factors. You want to make sure your site is easy to navigate and accessible to everyone, regardless of possible impairments or technological limitations. Adding alt text to images, captions to videos, and choosing the typography and font size are only a few of the ways you can improve your site’s UX.

Content marketing specialist editing website content.

Website Relaunch Content Checklist

The last few steps of our website launch checklist belong to content marketing specialists. These individuals take care of all the content that will be seen by users when they visit your site.

1. Make sure content adds value.

The content on your site should be valuable to any user who visits. This means not focusing purely on self-promotion, but also including expert advice, actionable takeaways, and resourceful information. There are many distractions online and offering valuable content is one of the best ways to keep users engaged and coming back to your site.

2. Proofread content.

It may seem obvious, but grammar errors happen more often than we realize, and while everyone makes mistakes, there’s no doubt that these errors will hurt a brand’s credibility. Proofreading content is a way to show visitors that you care about your brand’s image and their user experience.

3. Use proper formatting.

Proper formatting is an essential part of any content specialist’s writing and publishing process. Using SEO content writing techniques like headlines, lists, and high-quality images improves readability and makes your site more visually appealing.

4. Ensure content is factual.

As we mentioned before, your content needs to be valuable to your readers. In the same respect, it needs to be factual. If search engines find your content to be fake or misleading they won’t display it on result pages. Additionally, if a user notices misinformation on your site, they are less likely to return.

5. Keep content style concise.

Your content style will speak to who your brand is and how you should be perceived by others. Keeping the tone and voice in your writing consistent will make you stand out among competitors. Every piece of content, from blogs to videos to downloadable files, should reflect your brand’s message and personality.

Remember, this website launch checklist is only the beginning, many more pieces contribute to a successful site launch, fortunately, you can get help from digital marketing experts to ensure your site turns out exactly how you envisioned.

Interested in a website redesign for your company? Take a look at some of our website projects and see what we can do.

Encouraging brands to embrace digital marketing opened the doors for new opportunities and success, however, it also brought along a new set of challenges, one of those being a constant flood of marketing industry jargon.

In this blog, we will help you cut through the clutter and provide basic digital marketing terms you should focus on when building a strategy that will help you and your business succeed.

What is Digital Marketing – And Why Should You Care?

Marketing is everywhere, but when people think of it, they often think of billboards, magazines, television commercials, and even ads on the radio.

These are what we refer to as traditional marketing techniques. However, like most things, as the world has evolved, marketing has too.

Digital marketing is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the Internet or other forms of digital communication.

According to the Pew Research Center, three in ten U.S. adults claim they are “almost constantly” online. This explains why businesses are choosing to focus on digital marketing rather than traditional techniques. Using the Internet allows businesses to reach more customers in a shorter amount of time and with less effort. In addition, digital marketing is known to be more cost-effective.

a woman types on her laptop, the screen showing charts and graphs

Digital Marketing Key Terms

For brands to get the most out of digital marketing services they need to have a basic understanding of digital marketing terminology and the ability to differentiate these terms with buzzwords.

Buzzwords are words or phrases that are trending during a certain period. These words, or jargon, won’t have the same effectiveness as those that experienced marketers use and know.

Below, we’ve broken down some important digital marketing terms to start with as you build your knowledge.


When it comes to digital marketing terminology, you should know the three primary terms marketers will often use when they are discussing how to drive traffic (a term we will cover below) and gain leads. The first term is organic.

If someone finds your site on a search engine without clicking on an advertisement or other type of promotional content, it is considered organic traffic.

This is a natural way of spreading brand awareness and generating leads. For example, sending out email newsletters, publishing monthly blog posts and social media posts (not advertisements), or other pieces of content that don’t require a set budget.


The second way to drive traffic and gain leads is through paid marketing techniques. These include advertisements or campaigns that require a daily or lifetime budget. For instance, running monthly social media advertisements on LinkedIn.

Typically, businesses will find that paid campaigns perform better than posting organically. This is often because platforms will allow you to use detailed targeting. However, having a balance of both paid and organic marketing is beneficial since you’re likely to reach more people overall.


If a user finds your site without organically searching or clicking on a paid ad, it’s known as referral traffic. When someone visits a hyperlink from a social network or website and ends up on your site, search engines can recognize this as a referral visit.

Many businesses will also use UTM codes to track exactly where these users are coming from. Doing this allows you to see which social networks or sites are bringing in the most traffic.


As promised above, the next digital marketing term everyone in the industry should be aware of is “traffic”. Simply put, traffic refers to the number of users who have visited your website or social media profiles.

This metric is crucial for every brand, but especially those who are trying to increase brand awareness. It’s important for marketers to not only see that traffic is coming through but also to locate where users are coming from.

For example, in Google Analytics, you’re able to identify if a user came to your site organically (in a search engine) or through a paid ad. Determining this will help you build a marketing strategy that is aligned with your overall goals.


As we mentioned previously, you can track the traffic for your site in Google Analytics, but to do that you need to understand another key digital marketing term known as sessions.

Every time a user visits your site, they start a session, and after 30 minutes of inactivity, the session ends. This means if someone is on your site for even a second, they are counted as a session. In the same respect, if a user leaves your site and comes back a few hours later or the next day, it’s counted as a new session.

However, most businesses don’t simply want to know if people are visiting their site, but also how long they’re staying. This is where engaged sessions come into play. When a user stays on your site for more than 10 seconds, completes a conversion (we’ll discuss more about this below), or has at least 2 pageviews, it’s considered an engaged session.

While sessions alone can be helpful, engaged sessions are arguably more important because they show businesses that users are absorbing information on their site and therefore becoming one step closer to becoming leads or customers.


The primary goal of any company or business is to gain customers and increase revenue. Marketers can assist them in this by creating strategies to bring in new leads. A lead is any user that shows interest in a brand, product, or service.

Depending on the company itself, the quality of leads may vary, however, for the most part, a qualified lead refers to someone who fills out a contact form, requests a quote, signs up for a trial, or takes any other action that pushes them closer to becoming a customer.


We’ve mentioned the term conversions a few times, which is appropriate because, in many ways, these are some of the most valuable metrics in digital marketing. When creating a marketing strategy, marketers will break down a number of actions they want users to take.

Conversions can vary in importance, what the business is trying to achieve will greatly impact what types of conversions digital marketers decide to set up.

This could be viewing a landing page, clicking a contact button, or downloading a file, a conversion happens whenever a user completes a desired action.

Call to Action (CTA)

A digital marketing term you’ll hear frequently is a call to action or CTA. This refers to the next step a marketer wants the audience to take to push them further through the sales funnel.

Usually appearing at the end of a content, ad, or email, a good CTA will be clear and concise. Often CTAs will include a direct link for a user to click on.

Whether it leads to a contact form, product page, or another resource, the goal of a CTA is to keep the reader engaged and interested in a service or product.

A/B Testing

Also known as “split testing”, A/B testing is a digital marketing term that describes the process of comparing two variables to determine which performs better.

For example, if you are experimenting with email headlines and want to see what is more effective, you can send out two emails that have the same copy, and list but contain different headlines.

Based on how each performs, you can determine which headline is stronger. This is a technique digital marketers use in several areas to improve conversion rates and optimize their content.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Commonly referred to as KPIs, key performance indicators, are how marketers measure their progress against an objective.

There are two types of indicators to be aware of when creating goals: lagging and leading. Lagging indicators assess the current state of business performance while leading indicators work to predict future success.

It’s important to take into account both types because while lagging indicators aren’t helpful with making ongoing adjustments, they can help you shape your goals which should be based on leading indicators.

two people type on their laptops at a table. the table top is covered in pieces of paper and sticky notes

Tactical Digital Marketing Terms

Now that we’ve covered some of the basic digital marketing terms, it’s time to dive into the specifics.

Generally speaking, 4 main types of services go hand-in-hand with digital marketing. In the following sections, we’ll explain what these are and what terms are specific to the work they do.

Basic SEO Terms to Know

Search engine optimization, or SEO, refers to the process of improving a website to increase its visibility in search engines, like Google or Microsoft Bing. The main goal of SEO is to increase traffic and attract users who will become leads, customers, or an audience that continues to come back.

Title Tag– The name of a specific web page. These will appear at the top of a web browser or in search engine results.

Search Engine Results Page (SERP)– The page of results users see when they type a word, phrase, or query into a search engine.

Meta Description– Tied to a specific page, these are used to describe web pages and encourage users to click on links in the SERP.

Keyword– A word or phrase a user types into a search engine to find what they are looking for. Using keywords in titles, headings, and body of texts will help improve a page’s ranking.

Ranking Factors– The criteria applied by search engines when evaluating web pages to decide where each page should fall on the SERPs.

Events– A metric that records a specific user interaction or occurrence on a website, for example clicking a button, submitting a form, downloading a file, and more.

Conversion Rate– Measures the number of users who converted (taken action) as a percentage of the total number of users who visited a site. This can be calculated by the total number of conversions divided by the total number of clicks.

Basic Content Marketing Terms to Know

Content marketing involves the creation and distribution of valuable and relevant online material that is intended to promote a brand as well as spark interest in its products or services. These materials include a wide variety of content pieces from blogs to whitepapers.

Buyer Persona– A detailed description of a business’s ideal customer, outlining their customer’s desires, pain points, demographics, etc.

Bounce Rate– The percentage of users who enter a website and leave rather than continuing to browse pages within the same site.

Landing Page– Any page on a website where traffic is sent to prompt a specific action or result.

Copywriting– The process of creating content for web pages, blogs, or social media posts to convert users.

Customer Journey– An outline of the different steps users will take to become qualified leads, customers, or clients.

Sessions Per User– The average number of sessions each user engages on a specific site or application. This can be calculated by dividing a site’s session count by its user count.

Basic Email Marketing Terms to Know

Email marketing helps you reach potential customers, increase brand awareness, build customer loyalty, and promote other marketing efforts. The messages in emails can include valuable content, updates, coupons, or exclusive offers.

Email Automation– An email marketing strategy that sends specific messages according to certain triggers or scheduled times.

Dynamic Content– Email content that changes based on a user’s data, preferences, and behaviors to show them specific messaging.

List Segmentation– A process of breaking down email lists into smaller segments to create personalized messages.

Email Deliverability– The ability to successfully deliver emails to users’ inboxes.

Drip Campaign– A series of automated messages or emails sent to leads regularly and over a scheduled period.

Open Rate– The number of email recipients who opened an email.

Click Rate– The percentage of people who opened an email and clicked on a link or ad within the email. This can be calculated by dividing the number of emails clicked by the number of emails sent.

Click-To-Open Rate– The percentage of people who opened an email and then clicked a link within that email. This can be calculated by dividing unique email opens by unique email clicks and then multiplying by 100.

Basic Social Media Marketing Terms to Know

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to interact with customers to build brands, increase sales, and drive website traffic. Social media can be shared organically and can be used for paid advertising.

Impressions– The number of times content has been shown on the feeds of social media users.

Engagement Rate– A metric that shows how much interaction a social media post or ad campaign earns from users. This can be calculated by dividing the total engagement by total followers and then multiplying by 100%.

Conversion Rate– The percentage of users who follow through a social media post or ad’s call to action.

Cost Per Click (CPC)– A metric that determines how much advertisers pay for social ads based on the number of clicks the ad receives. This can be calculated by dividing the advertising cost by the number of clicks generated by the advertisement.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)– The number of clicks an ad receives divided by the number of times an ad is shown.

a laptop is open on a table next to a row of cacti in cute pots along a windowsill

Staying educated about basic digital marketing terminology is beneficial for businesses because it gives them the ability to not only understand what other competitors are doing online but also the chance to create a marketing strategy that will put them ahead of their competition.

With this knowledge, you have the opportunity to build relationships with like-minded people who can help tell your brand’s story and achieve your goals.

Interested in learning more about digital marketing? Browse our case studies to see some of our recent marketing projects.

This blog was originally published on March 30, 2021, and updated on November 1, 2023.

It’s no secret marketing automation is becoming increasingly popular in the business and marketing industry. On average, 51% of companies are currently using marketing automation, and more than half of B2B companies plan to adopt these strategies. Learning how to implement marketing automation can help your business capture and nurture qualified leads. 

Knowing what marketing automation is and including it in your business will ensure your company doesn’t lose its competitive edge. In this blog, we’ll explain why marketing automation is beneficial, and how you can start putting it into practice. 

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is the process of using tools and technology to automate repetitive marketing tasks. However, it also can be beneficial in tracking and measuring campaign performance, improving productivity, and driving efficiency by minimizing manual actions. 

While marketing automation has proved to improve business growth, it’s important to remember that customers appreciate timeliness as much as thoughtfulness. 

You don’t want your automations to replace the human touch behind your business. They should be used to complement your other marketing strategies. 

Understanding Your Customer’s Journey

One of the main ways you can ensure your company is staying thoughtful in your marketing automation is to understand your customer’s journey. This refers to the experience a customer has while communicating with a company. 

In its simplest form, the customer journey can be broken down into 3 stages: 

  1. Awareness. Spreading general information about your products and services to your target audience.
  1. Consideration. Focusing on promoting why your product or service is more beneficial to the customer than any competitors. 
  1. Conversion. Keeping the customer’s attention and prompting them to take action. 

Understanding your buyer’s persona and what stage they’re in will help you better direct the priorities of your automated message. Doing this will not only bring your customers’ satisfaction with timeliness, but it will also build trust and strengthen your relationship with the buyer.

Analyzing marketing metrics.

5 Key Marketing Automation Objectives

Before you learn how to implement marketing automation, you may be wondering why you should. Below, we’ve outlined the 5 key objectives and advantages of marketing automation, which will help to persuade you to put these tactics into practice. 

1. Boost Marketing Productivity

Tasks such as creating marketing strategies, calendar planning, customer experience mapping, or campaign performance monitoring and reporting are all critical to any marketing team. Statistics prove that businesses that use marketing automation are 20% more productive

Deciding to use marketing automation can give your team the time they need to put their efforts where they matter most, resulting in a boost in productivity overall. 

2. Improve Marketing Efficiency and ROI

One of the most important elements in a marketing campaign is evaluating its performance, impact, and profit. However, as organizations expand, it becomes less efficient and less cost-effective to manually keep track of your ROI  and engage individual prospects and customers. 

Automation allows teams to do certain tasks that will improve the efficiency in delivering outcomes as well as improve their ROI since it gives the team more time to engage in creative and strategic tasks. Marketing automation can take care of scheduling bulk emails, identifying and segmenting prospects, nurturing qualified leads, triggering engagements, and other tedious tasks. 

3. Enable and Deliver Campaign Personalization

Connecting with your customer is critical when it comes to nurturing leads, which is why you should consider marketing automation to help you personalize your messaging. The more data you gather, the better you know your audience. This allows you to deliver the right content, to the right prospect, at the right time.  

Including automation with your customer relationship management (CRM), will allow you to get better insights into your audience and eventually define more relevant segments. 

4. Provide Real-Time Performance Measurement

What’s the point of creating a marketing campaign if you can’t see its performance? Measuring performance is imperative when it comes to assessing your success because it allows you to see and understand what’s working and what isn’t. 

Studying certain analytics such as click-through rate, conversion rate, bounce rate, open rate, list growth, overall ROI, click-to-open rate, and many other important email marketing metrics will give your team new insights. These details will help show you what subscribers responded to or what wasn’t effective. This gives you the opportunity to change or optimize elements of your campaigns over time. 

One of the main reasons marketing teams adopt marketing automation is for its reputation to improve engagement. For example, a study showed that triggered emails have a  higher open rate and higher click-through rate than a regular email blast. 

5. Enhance Customer Acquisition and Retention

As we said before, prospects are attracted and customers stay when a company uses personalized marketing throughout the customer’s journey. These are messages that are relevant to their buying preferences. A recent report stated that 70% of companies believe the most important benefit of automation is better-targeted customer communication. 

Learning how to implement marketing automation takes care of regular campaign management, follow-ups, and customer interactions. This means your team will have more time to focus on strategizing customer acquisition and retention

Email Marketing Automation Services & Softwares

There is a lot of automation software available for marketers. However, the most common way to incorporate automation into your marketing strategy is through email. Understanding how each of this type of automation works is essential to know before narrowing down how you’re going to implement it.

Email Marketing 

Most marketers know that email marketing automation tools allow your team to schedule and send bulk emails. However, there are many other tasks it can help with, such as automating and creating audience segments based on data that’s collected. Email automation  also aids in creating workflows for nurturing qualified leads, as well as creating delivery and bounce reports.

Many email marketing tools, like ActiveCampaign,  include performance measurement dashboards that will show you metrics like delivery rate, opening rate, click-through rate, and other important details. 

When it comes to email automation, there are lots of techniques and practices you can use to improve your email marketing. Some of the most common ways you can use email automation software include:

  • Welcome series– These messages are triggered the first time a contact is added to the platform. For example, a general best practice in email marketing is to require a double-opt-in and to send a “Confirm your subscription” message to the customer or client. 
  • Automatic responses– These automations are triggered when a contact fills out a form online. For example, a message may read, “We’ll be in touch soon”, or “Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.”
  • Website tracking– This requires adding tags by interest, adjusting a contact’s lead score, or sending an email automatically based on them visiting a specified web page. These tasks can also be updated if an email is sent to a contact and then forwarded, replied to, or shared on a social network. 
  • Last engagement emails– Email marketing platforms allow you to track the last time a contact opened an email or visited a website, this could trigger an automated re-engagement email being sent to a contact. 
  • Abandoned cart emails– These emails are used by eCommerce companies. You can connect your email platform to your website and send an automated email to someone who has abandoned their cart. 
  • Blog post notifications– These emails are triggered when a new blog post is updated on a company’s feed. Using RSS allows you to automatically send an email telling the contact that there is new content for them to read. 
  • Date-based emails– Sending an email or performing another action can be triggered after a specific amount of time has passed. This could be the time of day, as well as a day of the week, month, or year. 
  • Special deals– Email platforms often have built-in customer relationship management (CRM). This feature allows you to create automations that will be triggered and sent to customers. You can also set up internal notifications that are sent to sales representatives, as well as specific customer service messages based on what stage the contact is in the pipeline. 

Depending on what you would like to incorporate into your automations, there are various email marketing platforms you can use, ranging from beginner to advanced. The more simple options offer basic automation functionality, as well as easy to use and access. While the more complex ones will require some learning to navigate but offer more robust functions.

Marketing team meeting.

How to Implement Marketing Automation in 3 Steps

There are three simple steps you can take to ensure you’re incorporating marketing automation in the most effective way. Following these steps will guide you through setting up the proper automations to achieve success. 

1. Define Your Goal

The most important thing you need to figure out when learning how to implement marketing automation into your business is your goal. This is when you ask yourself, “what are my priorities?” 

Evaluating which marketing activities are critical to your business will help you understand the best way to use marketing automation. You’ll also want to ask yourself which of those marketing activities involve enough repetitive tasks to allow the automations to work successfully. 

2. Find the Right Platform

Choosing the right platform is essential for your marketing strategy. There are many options available (as listed above) but you want to ensure you’re selecting the platform that’s best suited for your business. Here are the questions you should ask before you choose:

  • Does it offer the features you need?
  • Is it accessible and user-friendly for my team?
  • Will it be easy to integrate into your current marketing strategy?
  • Are there any special requirements, modifications, or customizations you’ll require?
  • How will it impact your marketing budget?
  • Is there any post-implementation support from the platform?

Once you’ve asked yourself these questions, you’ll have a much clearer idea of which platform will be the most suitable for your marketing automations. 

3. Create a Deployment Plan

Finally, you’ll want to make a plan. Ensuring your data is integrated from appropriate sources is essential to gathering the right results. Some important steps you should take when creating your deployment plan include: 

  • Setting up an account
  • Add your assets or lists 
  • Organize your account 
  • Strategize automations alongside key stakeholders
  • Build specific automations for your account
  • Launch or schedule them
  • Train your team
  • Evaluate their success to make improvements

Make sure your team is trained in your marketing automation platforms or software and include a feedback mechanism. The launch phase is critical and should be planned accordingly, that way the work you put into creating your automations won’t go to waste.

Reviewing reports.

Best Practices to Remember

It may be tempting to jump right in to using interesting and complex features in your marketing automations, but remember that starting with the essentials will be a safer road to success. Take time to experiment with different tools gradually, that way you can find the best approach that will guarantee the results you want.

Marketing automation success requires learning, analyzing, and improving your campaign through these evaluations. Setting clear lead stages, understanding the customer journey, and personalizing your messages are all great ways to build your marketing automation a strong foundation. 

Lastly, remember that thoughtfulness matters. Automations are meant to complement your current marketing efforts, not replace them. 

Looking for more guidance on how to implement marketing automation? Talk to our email marketing team to find out how we can help elevate your business.